Friday, April 20, 2012

What Life Throws at You

It seems that in this time when polarities are more and more important, life throws things our way that we never thought would be possible. And this can go both ways ~ things that you find on your path can well be better than you could ever conceive of. Yet by the same token they can also lead to obstacles so big that you are not certain you can overcome them...

The first option we have hardly any problem with. We thoroughly enjoy things like winning the lottery, unexpected outings and vacations, dinner invitations and so on.
The second option is on average a lot harder on us. And while we may be aware that we will never find anything on our path that we cannot handle ~ that doesn’t mean that the obstacle we encounter on our path has an easy solution. Often we have to stand up for ourselves in ways we have not done before in order to overcome whatever situation we are finding ourselves in.

As we are asserting ourselves more, our emotions can flare up at the drop of a hat! Often combined with a sense of “How dare they do this to me... I have done nothing wrong”... And pretty soon we can find ourselves fighting the other person, the other party in order to set things right.
It is a fight we want to win. We want to be right. The other person is wrong. And the world ought to recognize that.
It is a spiral that can easily get out of hand.

There are a couple of thing that would be good to remember.
First, it is always a good idea to keep the objective in mind. Do you want to be right? Or do you want to solve the problem?
Second, there is no obstacle that life can throw at you, that you cannot overcome!
Third, and probably most importantly ~ it is hardly ever about the obstacle or problem ~ it is how you handle what life is putting in front of you on your path...

This means that quickly regaining your (emotional) balance can be more important than being right ~ or even more significant than actually solving the problem. Also, taking productive steps to overcome the obstacle you are facing, no matter where those steps are leading you, are very important.
In other words, the (spiritual) lessons you are set up to learn from the situation you are faced with are more important than the situation itself.
Often when you learn those lessons, the problem, obstacle or situation have a tendency to find a resolution all on their own.

What life throws at us ~ whether it is something we consider good or bad ~ is there to make us stronger. To give us the opportunity to empower ourselves.

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