Friday, June 22, 2012

The end of the world (as we know it)

As we are getting closer to That Day, the day on which it is prophesized that the world will end by the Mayan calendar ~ it seems that the time to make decisions on what to do about it is here...

I have heard all kinds of remarks on the end of the Mayan calendar, ranging from “What do you mean the end of times; a new tablet was found taking us further out into the future than we can even imagine!”, to “Where is the party?”. And while I know that there are any number of people fearing that total chaos will lead to absolute anarchy on That Day ~ and are preparing for what they fear is going to be the worst survival story in the history of the earth ~ most people seem to have a much calmer, more balanced perspective on the upcoming event.

All this aside these are absolutely interesting times to be living our lives...

Never in our history has technology reached heights as it has in our time. And perhaps we have never been faced with the severe global challenges we may have to solve in order to ensure the continued thriving of humanity on earth.
And pretty much any issue or item that can come up seems to have two well defined polarities that pop up with it.
Positive and negative. Movement and stagnation. Problem oriented and solution oriented, and so on...

It is a time in which changes seem imminent. Changes in ourselves, changes in our lives, and perhaps even changes in the earth itself. The question remains whether this really instigates the end of the world or rather the end of the world as we know it.

For a moment, lets say it is the end of the world as we know it ~ then what is there in the world that we would have a hard time letting go of...
Wouldn’t it be great if we would find a way in which we can settle our disputes through balanced interaction rather than war? Or perhaps even solve the world food issue in such a way that everybody has access to the food they need?

When we start thinking along those lines I bet we can come up with another handful of issues in the world today that would not be missed if they disappeared.
Now, we might not recognize our world, the world we have grown up in, the world that we have come to know so well ~ if only through the everyday newscast on TV ~ if these things would vanish overnight.

It would truly be the end of the world as we know it!

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