Friday, August 24, 2012

As we change...

There is much talk about change; changes in the world, changes in the climate, changes in the energy, and yes, changes in ourselves...
Yet, often the most profound changes we create for and in ourselves happen unnoticed. Then, when you meet a friend you haven’t seen for some time a remark may be made on how much you have changed and suddenly we do see the changes in ourselves.
Whether they are changes in the way we look, changes in in behavior, even changes in our energy are now visible to us.

So why is it that we don’t see the changes we work so hard to achieve in our lives?

It seems that the closer to ourselves ~ or even the core of ourselves ~ we create changes, the harder it is distinguish what has changed and what is still the same...
It is like growing older; on a day to day basis it is something we know is happening, yet seeing ourselves in the mirror every day we don’t notice the changes. The moment we see a picture of ourselves which was made a year ago, or even five years ago ~ we can instantly see how we have changed, matured, even grown older.

The same thing happens when we decide we want to change something about ourselves, for instance through the use of affirmations. After the first week of using the chosen affirmation, nothing seems to have happened. After three or four weeks of affirming the changes you desire in yourself or in your life, small changes become visible. It may be a couple of months later that you realize you are doing things different; interact different, set your priorities different... The change has been made!

As these type of changes are a gradual process rather than ‘big changes’ that have a tendency to come in with a ‘bang’ ~ sometimes the easiest way to see whether things indeed are changing are to look at pictures of yourself, or to look at your handwriting ~ as it is funnily enough one of the things that reflects changes very rapidly.

Or you can ask a friend.
But just as it can be scary to consider ‘big changes’ ~ after all, we as humans don’t like the concept of having to change much ~ it can be unsettling for a friend to see you change... Some friends may disappear from your life, while new friends come into your presence. And sometimes it is easier, even for someone you think of as a close friend, to simply disregard any changes you have made in and for yourself. It seems safer to keep looking at you the way you once were ~ five, ten, twenty years ago ~ and give you the compliment: “Look at you! You haven’t changed one bit!”

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