Friday, January 11, 2013

In an ideal world...

In an ideal world, there would be peace.
In an ideal world, there would not be any hunger.
In an ideal world, there would be no poverty.

There is no start of a sentence that prompts us to think more globally than that one: ‘In an ideal world...’

And of course all of those statements are true. Hunger, poverty and war would all cease to exist in an ideal world. The danger is that in coming up with those ‘biggies’ ~ those truly global issues ~ is that it is easy to forget what is right around the corner...

As long as we are looking at at those issues as ‘out there’, it is hard to see what ~ if any ~ is our part in it. As long as it is ‘out there’, there doesn’t seem to be anything we, as just one individual, can do about it. So every once in a while it is good to see what an ideal world would look like within ourselves and in our direct environments. The ideal world that we can actually affect...

So, what would your ideal world look like?

As a child, most of us wanted to become something noble and / or heroic when we grew up. Something like a fireman, policeman, teacher, doctor... Granted, in an ideal world there are only jobs for so many policemen. Yet sometimes it is good to look back and see what you wanted to become ‘when you grew up’. What were your hopes and dreams as a child?
And what has happened between that time way back when, and today?

Now I am not saying that we should still endeavor the things we wanted when we were children necessarily, however as a child ~ not burdened by ‘having to make ends meet’, or ‘having a job that pays the bills’, mortgages, car payments etc. ~ we may well have had a clearer picture of what our ideal world would look like when we grew up. Therefore recapturing some of the hopes and dreams we had as a child can help us see clearly what our lives would look like in an ideal world...

And we may come up with statements like:
In an ideal world, I wouldn’t be so stressed.
In an ideal world, I would have a truly fulfilling job.
In an ideal world, I would be traveling more.

The funny thing is that as we would resolve the stressful issues in our lives, as we would work toward that truly fulfilling job, that perhaps even allows us to travel more ~ in other words as our personal lives come closer to what we perceive to be ‘our ideal world’ ~ it has a positive effect on the big global issues.

Even in our perhaps ‘not yet totally ideal world’ that is how the energy flows...

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