Friday, April 5, 2013


At one point or another we all make plans. Whether they are plans for an outing, or for something we want to accomplish... Plans for the future, or plans for a next step in a process or situation...
These plans keep us on track. They keep us pointing in the right direction.

And then suddenly things start happening that ~ at least at that point in time ~ seem incompatible with the plans we have made for ourselves, for our path, for our chosen direction in life.
Sometimes it is just one situation, one event that throws us off ~ other times it is a series of incidents, one following the other, keeping us occupied to such extend that we may not have either the time or the energy to keep any kind of focus on our plans, our goals.

So then what?

The first reaction may be to become discouraged as things keep getting in the way of fulfilling our plans. That one distraction after another steer us away from where we want to go.
As this continues, there perhaps also comes a point at which we realize that the distractions aren’t truly distractions at all. They may be pointers, ‘attention-getters’ that tell us to change direction, to change priorities, and yes perhaps even change plans...
At least for the time being.

So, does this mean that our plans, our goals, or even the direction in which we has taken our journey through life are wrong? Or that our timing is off?
Not necessarily so.

Often a string of occurrences like that comes in to our lives to give us the opportunities to re-examine what is truly important in our lives, and what is not. To see whether we might be putting time and energy into work or relationships that were important at one point in our lives, but have since outlived  their purpose. And the longer we are holding on to them, the more we are holding ourselves back from those things that are important to us now, at this point in our lives.

In other words, when, over a period of time there are things that continuously get in the way of our plans, chances are that we are holding ourselves back from the very things we want to accomplish. Often in ways we are totally unaware of at the time, until something happens to bring it to our attention.

Once we know how we hinder ourselves in achieving our goals, we can plan for that!
And in doing so reset our direction, our priorities, only to reach our goals more easily than we thought possible!

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