Friday, May 3, 2013

Being aware

All of us are aware. We are aware of the weather, whether it is cold or warm, wet or dry. We are aware  that when we drop something, gravity takes over bringing it in no time at all ‘back to earth’. We are aware that there are certain colors that suit us, while other colors don’t do us any favors... The list is endless.

Yet in this day and age as soon as we mention awareness, or being aware, we seem to be talking about a specific awareness: an intuitive, meditative, high frequency awareness. An awareness that makes us sensitive to the atmosphere, the mood of a place. An awareness that allows us to become aware of certain energies around us. Even an awareness that permits us to pick up on for instance the outcome of a situation...

And as we gain in awareness we may also discover that the way in which you register this ‘high frequency awareness’ is quite personal. It is always linked to the senses. This means that we can ‘get it’ through feeling, seeing, hearing, smelling, and tasting. On top of that it is possible to receive the information we become aware of through knowing.
Whichever way the information is experienced, it needs to be put into perspective, translated in a sense, in order to become aware of the full picture.
For instance, a person who is aware through feeling would need to translate an inner feeling into an outer situation. A person who sees whatever they become aware of, sometimes only sees one or two frames in a movie and would need to extrapolate those frames into a full scope. When a person gains the awareness through knowing, they need to differentiate between their logical thought patterns and the more intuitive awareness...

Whichever way the ‘high frequency awareness’ is presented, is the way that suits a person best from a perspective of their innate ability; of their core being. It is not true that any one method is better than another method ~ as long as it works for you.

As this ‘high frequency awareness’ is connected to our senses, it does mean that when we choose to work more with our senses, our intuition ~ when we start exploring that vast world we can gain access to through our ‘high frequency awareness’ ~ it is easy to be overwhelmed...
And some people choose to not go there. To just live their lives in a more logical, and perhaps simpler arena...

But that doesn’t change the fact that all of us are aware!

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