Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Out here in the Netherlands, the first week of May is filled with celebrations...
The series is kicked off on April 30 when the birthday of the Dutch Queen is celebrated. Then there is May 1st, our Labor Day celebration and on May 2nd the Celtic celebration of Beltane. On May 4th all those that have fallen in war are remembered, after which on May 5th our independence, our freedom from oppression is celebrated.

To me the timing is interesting, as it coincides with the ‘planting’ of a Maypole, an ancient tradition which refers to the tree of life and is put up to bring fertility to the community, to their agricultural efforts, and to their life stock. Often a circle is hanging from the top to represent the cycles of life. While dancing around the Maypole, this circle is then set into motion.

Some of the celebrations this first week in May have their roots in history, or even tradition. Beltane, the mid-point of the Spring season, has been celebrated on May 2nd longer than anyone can remember. Germany capitulated on May 4th 1945, signifying the end of WW II. So remembering those that have fallen, and subsequently celebrating our regained freedom makes perfect historical sense.

Yet, Queen Beatrix’ actual birthday is in January ~ April 30 was her Mom’s birthday. Dutch practicality decided to keep the, often outdoor celebration of the Queen’s birthday on April 30, as the weather could be expected to be better than in January...
And it is said that the celebration of Labor Day in this part of the world is from German origin, where it was signed into law in 1933.

So what makes that first week of May a time to celebrate ~ independent from factual history?

It seems that Beltane, the mid-point of Spring is the key here...
When we look at the cycle of the seasons, starting with Winter, we begin the cycle looking inside ourselves as to what we really want to accomplish over the coming year. Then, come Spring, we start getting everything ready to actually do it ~ we feel we need to clean house and make space for the new things we want to bring into our lives. At the mid-point of Spring, we are then ready to bring all that we have ‘dreamt up’ out into the world, out into nature which at this time is already showing its impending abundance.

With the celebration of Beltane, we bring our plans out for the world to see. It is a statement that says: ‘This is what I will apply my efforts to, in order to reach my accomplishment. And in sharing this with Nature and with the world, the energy gets moving in the right direction ~ enhancing my chances to reach my goals.’

Now, that is something worth celebrating!!

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