Friday, February 18, 2011

Personal Space

Personal space is one of those things that can have many definitions, and yet is a key concept in our lives ~ in the mundane world as well as from a spiritual perspective.

Personal space can be a room that is yours, and yours alone. It can be your physical body, or the space you maintain around you to feel comfortable. It can be a space you visit in meditations, it can be an energy more than an actual space even...
In any one of these perspectives on ‘personal space’, it is linked to things like privacy, respect and boundaries.

The mere fact that the space is considered ‘personal’ assumes a certain level of privacy. Not because whatever is there is something you are hiding from the world ~ the fact that it is your personal space makes it yours and yours alone, and that means that others are only permitted to enter when invited!

If your personal space is of a meditative nature, others won’t know how to get there ~ keeping your special place very private and personal.

And as long as the personal space is an actual space, a room, that privacy is guarded by clear boundaries. And as long as those around you respect those boundaries (and your privacy), your personal space is secure.

When your personal space is defined by an energy, the boundaries are not always as clearly set...

It is not always easy to keep your energy around you as your personal space in a balanced way ~ and one way or another ‘respect’ becomes even more a part of the picture. And not just the respect others may or may not have for you / your personal space ~ also the respect you have for yourself and your space!

Do you respect yourself enough to permit your energy to stand around you, balanced, wherever you go?
Do you respect yourself enough to set your boundaries?
Do you respect yourself enough to make your needs and desires known to those around you?

Once you respect yourself and your space, the chances of others respecting you and your space increase exponentially ~ and with that the privacy of your personal space is enhanced.

Fact of the matter is that unless you keep your personal space under lock and key ~ you can never totally prevent others from barging in (and even then ~ sometimes a space kept under lock and key is even more vulnerable...)
It is good to remember though, that when you have done everything you can do in terms of respecting yourself and your space, the fact that someone still may cross your boundaries is not because you are doing something ‘wrong’ ~ it is because they are making a choice to do so...

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