Friday, February 11, 2011

The things we have learned...

Of the things we have learned that we decide to live by, there are not that many that we use exactly the way we were taught way back when...

Take reading and writing.
I was taught those with simple words, simple stories ~ that even at the time didn’t really hold my interest. The interesting part was the fact that with each day I got more proficient in expressing myself through the written word. And of course the fact that pretty soon I could read the stories that did hold my interest on my own.

In other words, as I was taught to read and to write, it was the ability to do so that made me very happy as the child I was at the time ~ and as the adult I am now!
Yet the use of that ability is very different now than it was then. I have made the ability my own, and in doing so I use it in my own way...

Along the way I was taught how to make jewelry and became a goldsmith.
I also learned how to work with energy ~ and I discovered that everything holds its own, unique energy. And pretty soon I merged these two abilities as I recognized the energy of stones, the energy of metals, the energy of shapes, and yes, the energy of the person placing an order ~ and used them to create very special pieces of jewelry. My Mystical Jewelry.

This shows what makes the things we learn truly useful on our path through life...
When we learn something, and then take that further. Shaping and molding it into something that is uniquely ours. And then using it to express our innermost thoughts and feelings...

While this is a creative process, it is not at all limited to the arts like painting, sculpting, or music for that matter.
The truth of the mater is that each and everyone of us are creative beings ~ and we are using our own, special, and very individual creativity in our own way ~ in that aspect of our lives that holds most interest to us. In other words, there is creativity in gardening, in business, in communication, even in doing your weekly grocery shopping...

Ultimately it is not about what it is you learned ~ or were taught ~ that you have claimed as an ability; or even through what aspect of your life you choose to express it...
It is about recognizing the fact that any or all of the things you have learned can be your abilities. They are yours to claim and to use in new and creative ways that help you on your personal (spiritual) path through life.

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