Tuesday, April 5, 2011


As both the world and the earth are going through major changes, there are many ways in which we can re-invent things. Not only can we re-invent ourselves, we can also re-invent our relationships, our environment, and even the world ~ the way we perceive the world as well as the state the world is in.

The thing we cannot re-invent is the earth; nature. It re-invents itself continuously, at its own pace with perfect accuracy as to where changes are needed. The earth doesn’t have any resistance to the re-invention of itself ~ to the earth it is a natural course of events...

Not so much for us humans!
We tend to keep things just as they are; feeling comfortable in the familiar surroundings we have set up for ourselves. Continuing to think familiar thoughts, viewing our environments and the world from familiar perspectives.
Consequently, we feel anything that may upset our known, familiar, comfortable space as a negative. A negative that we want to avoid, almost at all cost ~ sometimes desperately hanging on to ‘the way things were’ even when we are faced with changes that are going on around us...

We seem to have a hard time realizing that we are, just like the earth is, always changing no matter what! Re-inventing ourselves is something we look forward to throughout our lives...
We have re-invented ourselves, leaving behind the child we were in order to become the adolescent. We re-invented ourselves again to become the adult. Again to gain our chosen career. And again as we may have started a family... Every time we have re-evaluated and re-invented ourselves.

Yet, when we are settled in our everyday lives, we are less apt to search for new aspects of ourselves, for ways to let new potentials be used. Contented with ‘the way things are’ we fail to see how much more we can be. If only we would be willing to re-invent ourselves!

As the world we live in is going through tremendous changes; as the earth itself is effecting enormous changes in its own right; as the very energies around us are changing, increasing in vibration to frequencies we as humanity haven’t experienced before ~ it seems obvious each of us has to change as well. If only just to keep up with everything that is going on around us.

Now this doesn’t necessarily mean that we need to move house, change jobs or relationships right this instant. It does mean that now is a good time to re-evaluate our lives. To honestly look at our lives to see if there may be aspects that may benefit from re-invention. To see if the manner in which we perceive things in the world is beneficial to us and to our personal, spiritual paths.
And to re-invent ourselves where we can, if only to keep up with with a changing earth...

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