Tuesday, June 7, 2011


There are signals all around us.
Of course there are the signals that allow traffic to move smoothly from one place to another. There are very commonplace signals that tell us where we are or point us in the direction we want to go.

The signals that we seem to pay the least attention to, are the signals life itself gives us...

Like, if everything is holding you up, all traffic lights are red, long lines ahead of you at the register of the supermarket ~ this might be a signal that the situation is not quite as stressful as you are thinking because the meeting you are rushing to get to was, unbeknownst to you postponed for 30 minutes.

Many people that are walking a spiritual path have found it helpful to be alert to signals like that. Even to the point where they look at them from the other side: If this is happening in my life, what is it telling me? What have I done, have I not done, have I forgotten, am I doing ~ that brings this situation, this signal into my life?

Most of the time this is a good thing! It helps to look at especially those things in your life that the signals around you are saying are working for you. Or, dependent on the signals you are getting, are not working for you.
You can then look at the facts, see what is going on in your life or how you are reacting to it and make the changes that allow things to work out (even) better for you.

But what if the signals continue to tell you that things are not working the way they should. What if you meet obstacle after obstacle without ever finding yourself in a flow where things come together effortlessly ~ where things seem to work together to make life easy for you?

It is easy to then start looking at all of those signals and the way your life is going from a perspective that says: I must be doing something wrong. It must be my fault that things are not working out...
The problem with that statement is that it usually comes with an unhealthy amount of guilt. And unless we stop ourselves right there, it is easy to start walking a downward spiral until pretty soon we don’t have the energy to accomplish anything at all...

A more productive perspective may be to notice that there are signals things aren’t working out for you the way you want them to work in your life. To examine whether you really still want those things in your life ~ and if so to observe how you have gone about getting those things in your life.
That is as far as your responsibility goes.

From that position you can make changes if you want to and move on.

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