Friday, June 17, 2011


More and more often do I hear (or read) conversations about spirituality. Spirituality as the road toward a goal such as enlightenment or ascension. The ‘how to’ of spirituality in those type of conversations is fairly specific ~ it consists of certain elements or practices that one absolutely needs to do in order to reach that goal...

It makes me wonder... What would my life look like if I were to reach enlightenment? Or ascension? What does that look like? What would be the consequences? Do I still have a need or desire to live in the physical, even mundane world? Or would I become a hermit, shying away from contact with those who have chosen a different life path? Would I teach “the true path” whatever that may be?

And every time these questions come to mind I draw a total blank.
No way can I imagine what reaching that goal would look like in real life...

It brings me back to pondering what spirituality really is.

It makes me think of the fact that each and every one of us is a spiritual being in our own right ~ a system of mind, body and spirit. And each and every one of us articulates ourselves in our own, unique, individual manner. We all discover, explore and express our own potentials in the world we live in. The mundane, physical world that we live in being our physical selves ~ our bodies.

If we are all unique beings, with unique life paths, unique potentials, and unique ways to articulate ourselves ~ it stands to reason that spirituality is something that we experience and express in our own individual ways. That there is no one path that suits all. That there may not be just one goal each and every one of us is striving to reach...

That being said, there do seem to be commonalities for those walking a spiritual life path in whatever form or shape is best for them.
First, choosing the spiritual path implies at least the recognition of spirit. Mind, body and spirit!
Those walking a spiritual path may also tell you that it is a path of learning, a path of growth. A path that can bring an ever greater awareness of the world we live in. A path that permits aware experiences on every level of our being ~ of our inner worlds. And through that it can bring a comprehension of who we really are ~ as well as it can give us a better understanding of the world we live in.

And as we walk along that spiritual path, we are almost certain to reach our goals. Perhaps not the ‘popular’ goals of enlightenment or ascension ~ but the goals we have set for ourselves as unique, individual beings on our path of spiritual growth...

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