Friday, October 28, 2011

Equal Opportunity

It seems that in a perfect world we all have an equal opportunity.
Equal opportunities to achieve the things we want to achieve ~ equal opportunities to make our choices and to create our lives exactly the way we desire them to be.
And having equal opportunities shouldn’t we all be successful, well fed, free, and yes, perhaps even rich? At least according to the way we ourselves define things like success, freedom, and riches.

Looking at the world today that certainly doesn’t seem to be the case though...
So, where does it ‘go wrong’? Or is it meant to be this way, and are we looking at the concept of ‘having equal opportunities’ in a non-realistic manner?

Pondering this, the first thing that comes to mind for me are the life lessons ~ or even karma ~ that we choose to bring into our lives. Based on which (karmic) lessons we wish to learn more about during our life experience we set ourselves up with a birthplace, birth time, and family we are going to be born into ~ in other words, we set ourselves up with an astrological natal chart that will enable us to work with exactly things we want to work with, work on, or learn more about...
It is how the process of our personal growth, our soul growth works.

This does mean, however, that each of us is born into a unique set of circumstances as far as culture, religion, family, and place on the globe are concerned.
The only thing that in a sense is the same for all of us is that we set ourselves up ~ the very best way we know how ~ for the best opportunity for our personal, individual, spiritual growth. For the greatest soul growth we can possibly achieve.

Truth is that we would be hard-pressed to venture out and start learning those lessons if there wouldn’t be some instigation to get us moving...
Part of our ‘human condition’ seems to be that we rather stay in one place ~ that place that is comfortable to us because of its familiarity ~ unmoving and unchanging.
And so we put ourselves in situations that require us to make choices, to get moving, to experience life in all of its facets ~ yet especially those facets that will allow our innermost selves to grow. Often the situations we can learn most from ~ the situations that will bring us most spiritual growth ~ are those that we experience as difficult, perhaps even unpleasant.

Getting back to having equal opportunities...
The true equal opportunity is that we all have an equal opportunity to learn our life lessons. The equal opportunity to grow on an innermost level ~ even when we feel we are in a difficult situation that ~ at least on the surface ~ has absolutely nothing to offer to us...

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