Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Getting ready for a new start...

With the Winter solstice approaching, the energy of new things, new beginnings is growing stronger...
That makes this a good time of the year to look back at what we have accomplished over the past 12 months. To see what has come into our lives; what has moved out of our lives; what changes we have made... That goes for jobs, things like cars, houses, computers, etc. as well as for people.

It is often surprising, when we really take time to observe those type of things, how many things may have changed ~ even things that a year ago didn’t seem to have either a need for change or the proper movement or flow to get to a different place in our lives.
And at the same time it can be as astonishing how things we were certain we were going to do or change this year ~ haven’t moved an inch.
Looking at our lives like that, this is the time for being grateful for the things we have gained, the things we have accomplished.

In addition this is a good time to clean up loose ends; both figuratively as well as physically. To stop thinking about the things we really want to clean up ~ or even get rid of ~ and to actually do them. That way we can start in the new energy, the energy of ‘the return of the light’, fresh.
Making is a true ‘new beginning’.

Then having looked back and created a space in our lives for new things to get started, this is also a great time of the year to look forward. To plan what we want to do, to achieve in the coming year. And to set up a structure within which we can work toward those goals. To give ourselves the best possible chance at being successful at bringing the things we truly desire ~ into our lives.

In what way we ensure ourselves having enough structure to maximize our chances for success in reaching our goals is different. It depends on the specific goals we have set for ourselves as well as what type of support or structure we, as a unique individual, thrive on.
Here are a few tips:

  • Don’t try and go it alone ~ talk about it with your friends or family.
  • Sign up for a class or course that will help you further your goals.
  • Write your goals on a card and put it in a place where you will see it regularly.
  • And most of all: don’t doubt for a minute that you can do anything you truly want to accomplish!

That way the ‘return of the light’ can help you do great things!

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