Friday, December 2, 2011

More than the sum of the parts ~ part two

The same way our lives and everything we experience living it is more than the sum of the parts ~ so too are we ourselves. We are much more than heart and lungs, digestive tract, arms, legs and brain, to name a few of the parts. We are also mind on all of its levels, and awareness. We are spiritual beings ~ even when we don’t spend a lot of time in our daily routines on ‘spiritual things’. We have an energy field around us that can show those who are attuned to see it the most beautiful colors that are part of our make up. And we have a soul. That unique and never-ending part of us.
And each of these parts interacts with all the other parts, weaving patterns that reflect our balance, our well being.

The more all of us is working toward the same goal, the same sense of balance or (inner) peace, we feel ‘on top of the world’, and in some sense, larger than life!

But what happens if we have an inner desire to accomplish something ~ let’s say something we chose to accomplish before we even were born ~ and for whatever the reason the inner dialogue, our inner thinking, keeps insisting that this is something we will never achieve? Because we don’t have the right education, don’t have the position, the skills, the abilities; or perhaps just don’t feel like taking the risk...

All of a sudden unexpected things can happen in our systems, our bodies.
At first it may just be the realization that something isn’t right, a slight sense of friction or stress. Then a sense of discontent might develop ~ a discontent not just because this thing we feel we are unable to do, but often a discontent about our lives or even the world. Eventually, that which started as a relatively small discrepancy within ourselves, may find a physical outlet ~ leaving us to experience  some kind of physical discomfort.

I have found that it is one of the hardest things to do in a situation like that ~ is to step back from it, to observe what is going on, and to see what it is in myself I can change to move toward wholeness again... What that step is, is unique to each individual. For me it has often to do with having faith in myself and my abilities.
Yet there are three things that are always true when something like this happens:
It is not our fault that it happens!
We have no reason to feel guilty about it.
We can do something about it by changing our attitudes and perspectives about ourselves or the world around us.

This means we don’t even have to come up with a solution to the original problem, as long as we find a way to restore our balance and our sense of inner peace, we can re-create ourselves into that being that not only is larger than the sum of the parts, but also feels larger than life itself!!

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