Friday, January 6, 2012


On one point or other in our lives we are all looking for answers.
Sometimes just for an advice. Other times we are searching for life altering answers. I would say that most of the time a simple ‘yes’ or ‘no’ suffices.

“Yes, I can.” “No, I won’t.” “Perhaps some other time.”
Nice, succinct answers that leave you knowing exactly where you stand in relation to your question.

There are questions that deserve or even require a well thought out, and therefore longer answer. Those are hardly ever immediate answers ~ they are usually the type of things you want to ‘sleep on’. Because there may not be just one way to look at it. Or whatever action results from the answer will affect a great number of things in a person’s life ~ and can even have a great effect on a lot of people. All depending on the question of course ~ and the person asking it...

In those cases, more often than not, one may receive an answer that says: “I received your request. I would like some time to think about it, but I’ll get back to you.”
That may not be the answer you were looking for ~ it does tell you that the other person is taking your quest for an answer seriously and want to come up with a balanced answer. Not just an off the cuff remark, or a flippant comeback.

Yet even the best thought out answer is given based on the experience of the person giving it. It is based on how that person lives his or her life; how they perceive life, and how they themselves solve the problems they encounter in their own lives...

This means that while the answer given may well work for them in a similar situation, or while on a similar quest ~ it may not resonate as much with you as you had hoped while asking the question.

From a more spiritual perspective however, even if you don’t perceive that answer as relative to your situation or your quest, there will always be something in that reaction that can help you take the next step. Something you needed to hear to figure out which direction to go from the point you are at.
Even when you ~ in all honesty ~ didn’t want to hear it...

And especially in those cases, these answers you might at first glance consider ‘bad answers’, or at least answers you hadn’t hoped for ~ when you pause to think about them they can help you pause and think about what is really going on in your life, in your situation, or in your quest.

The answer “Perhaps some other time.” then might lead you to think whether this is really something you should be doing right now, or if there is an even better way to spend your time and energy?

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