Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Taking care of yourself in a new way...

Taking care of yourself... Sounds easy? Well, it’s not...

In our world we have obligations toward our families and our jobs. Having to do all of this in its right time routinely brings stress into our lives. All too often we choose to take care of others rather than to take care of ourselves... At times it may even seem that we have all but forgotten how to take care of ourselves...

So let’s have a look at those four important parts we need to take care of ourselves in this day and age: protection, sustenance, companionship, and perhaps most importantly, balance.

Protection is split in two different, yet equally important parts: physical protection ~ the protection that safeguards our physical bodies as well as our belongings ~ and the protection on an energy level that allows us to live our lives based in a positive, light energy.

We have come to often choose the ‘comfort foods’ ~ food that taste good and make us feel good, rather than the foods our bodies need. Listening to what we ourselves really need will give us the insights that will enhance our ability to take care of ourselves.

On our path we need companionship of those people that will support us. People that help us move along our path, that will help us overcoming the obstacles and difficulties life throws our way. And while we don’t have to abandon anyone who isn’t, or doesn’t seem to be helpful ~ it is important to surround ourselves with the (handful of) people who are truly supportive.

Balance is definitely the most important part of taking care of ourselves. If we are serious about taking care of ourselves, it is a good idea to have a look at the ‘Key to Balance’.

The ‘Key to Balance’ consists of these five points:
  • Balance with ourselves ~ our magnetic and electrical sides.
  • Balance with our direct environment ~ our family, our co-workers.
  • Balance with the world around us ~ honestly looking at what is happening, helping where we can, and not getting (too) upset with the things we cannot change.
  • Balance with the earth ~ with nature, with the seasons.
  • Balance with the universe.

And the better we get at applying this ‘Key of Balance’, the better we take care of ourselves ~ the more effective we will be in whatever we set out to achieve!

If you are looking for practical ways in which you can bring this ‘Key of Balance’ into your life, this workshop may be of interest to you:

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