Friday, March 9, 2012

Unspoken Messages

Sometimes the important things are not the things that are said, but rather the things that are not said. The things that are either implicated or understood without a need for putting them into words.

These unspoken messages can come to us in many ways.
There is body language where the posture of someone can tell an entirely different story than whatever it is he or she is telling you. Of course, in a similar manner it can also put an extra emphasis on that which is put into words...
A totally different form of unspoken messages are the unspoken rules. The rules everybody feels are natural, and therefore there is no need to talk about them.
And then there are those short statements that on the surface may sound quite agreeable, yet have a different meaning altogether. These statements often are tied to a culture ~ either a country or area based culture, or an industry-based culture. An example of a statement like that can be: “Let’s have lunch someday...” Chances are ~ when this statement is used within a specific culture ~ that lunch is never going to happen...

These ways of working with unspoken messages have been around for a long time ~ and whether you are fully aware of them or not, we all use them to a certain extend.

Yet when we take a more spiritual perspective and perhaps are raising our awareness of what is going on in the world around us ~ use our higher consciousness more and more ~ there comes a point where the occurrence and understanding of the unspoken messages reach an entirely new level altogether...

Suddenly it becomes absolutely clear whether someone is telling the truth ~ or at least the truth as they understand it ~ or if they are thumbing their noses and saying one thing while thinking something along lines of ‘you are not smart enough to figure out what is going on anyway ~ and I am not telling...’
In other words, what is said and what is thought become two entirely different streams of information, and more often than not it is the stream of thoughts that gives the better indication of what the person really is all about. Not the information that is put into words...

The more we work with our high consciousness, our expanded awareness; the more unspoken messages we can pick up on. Even when the signals become ever more subtle there is a growing understanding that ‘things are not adding up’, and at a second glance the unspoken message becomes clear.

This means that in the energy of this day and age it may become more and more important to be singular in our communications. To make sure that what we say is ~ close to ~  the same as the unspoken message we emanate.

The truth not only is ‘out there’, in the energy of today more and more people can see it...

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