Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Value and Worth

Value is the worth of something compared to the price paid or asked for it. As such value and worth are connected. The value of something is met with something of equal worth to specify it.
So the value of a house is, say 150K ~ so the worth of that house is 150K.

Putting a price to something is the way we specify its value; and if a person is ready to pay that price to obtain that very thing ~ it usually is proof that it is also worth that amount of money.
It is a relatively simple way in which we value the things in our lives...

But what happens when we are talking about the value of a person. or self-worth?

The value of a person of course can never be put into monetary terms ~ although that happens on a regular basis when that person in an employee. His value is then put in the wages he or she gets for their labor.
But self-worth? Or self-esteem? How do you value those other than saying that your sense if self-worth or self-esteem is ‘okay’, ‘could be better’, or ‘is down the drain’...
Descriptive values that are also highly subjective, and that have nothing to do with the actual worth of a person.

So how does it happen that when I look around me and see people struggling with their self-worth ~ there seems to be a direct link to monetary issues in their lives. And it seems that no matter how hard the monetary problems are worked on; unless the self-worth issues are addressed things don’t seem to change much.
Does that mean that somehow our self-worth has a (monetary) value?
And if that is so, who would determine that value? And how much is it exactly??

Looking at it from a spiritual or even universal perspective perhaps can shed some more light onto this... It appears then that when our self-worth ‘could be better’, or even ‘is down the drain’ the universe starts giving us signals that it is time to start working on rebuilding our self-worth, our self-esteem.
If we would only pick up on, or listen to the more subtle signals that are sent our way ~ there might never be such a strong apparent connection between our self-worth and a monetary value. But when we ignore the subtle hints the universe is giving us, the universe has a tendency to signal us in those areas of our lives we do pay attention to...
The areas where where value and worth merge into a price tag...

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