Friday, November 23, 2012


Tell me about the things you know...

Each and every one of us knows a lot of things. Whether it is something we have learned, or something we know about a friend. We all know common sense type of things like it is a bad idea to step out into traffic without looking both ways.

And then there are perhaps even more things we think we know. Like we think we know how someone will react, we think we know how we are supposed to behave in a certain situation. We think we know how other people see us, or think about us...

Yet as soon as it is about us ourselves ~ we seem to be at a loss about what to think.
We appear to not know anything. And that does strike me as odd.
Because we do know a lot of things about ourselves. We know what foods we like and don’t like. We know how to do all kinds of things. We know which colors suit us and which colors we shouldn’t wear at any time.
But those are all fairly superficial things.

On top of that we all know more about the more inner things, even important things. We know that feeling that something ‘is not right’. We may not know how to react to that immediately ~ yet it is clear that there is ‘more to it’.

From a spiritual perspective it is often said that we know all we need to know ~ even if we don’t know what that is. That ~ for instance through meditation ~ we can reach to our Source for the answers to pretty much any question we might have.
So from a spiritual perspective, we know a lot of things!

So between that inner sense that there is ‘more to it’, and the spiritual perspective that we know everything we need to know ~ we most definitely know how we are doing. We can tell another person the things we know about ourselves, about how we feel. Perhaps about an uneasiness, or something that seems to have changed within ourselves just recently.
And while we may not be able to put the pieces together and make sense of it all ourselves ~ for someone who doesn’t know us that is often a lot easier. To someone who is a good listener, the things that to us seem to be unrelated, unimportant things about ourselves ~ can speak volumes. They can paint a picture that is clear and succinct.

So, if we know all these things ~ it makes me wonder why it is so hard to become aware of them so that we can act on them...

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