Friday, March 15, 2013


Us humans, just like all other living things, are vulnerable creatures.
When looked at in the grand scheme of things we turn out to be quite fragile. It doesn’t take much for us to ‘break’, whether that is in a literal sense ~ for instance in an accident ~ or as in a breakdown of our system due to environmental influences ~ be it food related, air quality related, or even something in the soil we live on.

It seems that with the ever higher frequencies of energy that we live in at this point in time, our vulnerability is growing exponentially.
And with it more and more voices are heard telling us that the rate in which changes are occurring is so fast that our systems cannot keep up. We, as humanity, are having trouble to adapt to the new circumstances ~ and to a certain extend are therefore left more vulnerable than we may have been in ages. With the difference that throughout history we may have been vulnerable to outside influences like foul play, a harvest that was destroyed ~ be it through weather conditions or through war ~ or through epidemic diseases that came along with unsanitary living conditions.
Now, it looks like we are vulnerable from the inside out.

One way in which this vulnerability seems to express itself is through allergies.
The way to handle the allergies is, certainly in this time of polarities, very diverse...

On one hand doctors find, for example, that there is an explosion of asthmatic symptoms in their patients; placing the search for the cure to asthma and COPD in the spotlight.
On the other hand, more and more people are taking a close look at their lives. At the food they eat, the air they breathe, and yes, at the patterns of their lives in general. Is the (relative) luxury of life worth the stress?

Or is it time to change directions in favor of a simpler, less stressful lifestyle? To start eating less refined, whole foods. To create a new awareness, and therefore a new relationship with our space ~ both our literal space as in our home, as well as our personal space; the space our energy needs to function in.

There are countless accounts of people who say that they are healthier, stronger, more vital than they have been for some time ~ just by making those type of changes in their lives.

If just a handful of fairly simple changes can leave us less vulnerable ~ it is probably something to keep in mind the next time when we feel the need to evaluate our lives.

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