Friday, March 18, 2016


We may feel we know what we want in life; or perhaps have a better idea as to what we definitely do not want in life ~ either way, we have an idea that we are pretty certain as to how we wish to shape and give form to our lives.

Yet when it comes down to the line, there are often more inconsistencies in our thinking than we realize!

For instance, lot’s of people say they would truly enjoy four defined seasons ~ Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall ~ as long as we don’t have to deal with the cold; the rain, snow, and sometimes sleet in Winter. And we all value the freedom to be able to express ourselves; the freedom to let our true self shine ~ as long as we receive that freedom, and don’t have to extend it to others who may have ways that we don’t understand or like.
And as far as expressing ourselves goes; we feel we have the freedom to say anything we want to say about any situation or person, any minority and so on; to speak our minds no matter what. Even when its s hurtful. And if that other party doesn’t like that, then that is their problem. Unless we have crossed a legal line and get arrested because of it, in which case it becomes our problem even though we feel the other party shouldn’t have been as ‘touchy’ on the subject.
However, no-one should dare to speak to me in that way!

Whatever inconsistencies there are ~ whether they are in our lives, or play out on TV ~ they provide us with food for thought…

What makes us long for one thing in our lives, while refusing to accept ‘the whole package’? Whether that is the cold Winter weather (or extreme heat in Summer), or the fact that we are not the only person in the world yearning for the freedom to live our lives the way we see fit ~ within the bounds of the law of the Country we are living in?

Inconsistencies, sometimes in very small, inconsequential, every day things, show us how much we are prone to measure life by double standards.
It is something that deserves a good, honest look every once in a while…

Because if we take the inconsistencies out of our lives, our thinking; if we accept that there are only ‘whole packages’, and that our lives are bound to get better if we wish for others to have their desires met, just as we have our wishes fulfilled ~ suddenly our environment finds a new, greater balance.

Without the inconsistencies life gets better and better!

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