Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Speaking our minds

We greatly value our freedom to express ourselves, and rightfully so!
However, it does bring up the question whether we should actually say everything that comes to mind, or that perhaps we ~ personally ~ or eve the world in general are better of when things are left unsaid.

It is an interesting perspective as there are many things in the world right now that are happening ~ sometimes truly horrific things ~ that no-one knows about because all those who are involved are holding their tongue. And for the majority of these situations it would be a very good thing when there are people who would dare speak their minds and bring it out into the open.
Because the world needs to know about it before it can be resolved.

On the other hand there is nothing to be gained by putting people down, by bullying them into a space where they can be controlled. On a personal level, it makes you a bully ~ and who would want to be a bully? ~ and it is more telling about the bully, his or her insecurities and angers toward others and themselves, than it will ever tell about those who are bullied into submission. On a global level, domination through fear doesn’t instigate control, it instigates revolts. People can only take so much before they eventually will stand up for themselves…

So what makes people to step up into the lime light in order to speak their minds, when what they are thinking is hurtful, even hateful? And what makes other people admire that?

Is it just a cheap shot to get all the attention a person never got from their parents when they were a toddler? Is it about bullying and building a fear against certain groups of people who are perceived to be easily subdued? Or lies the answer more along lines of refusing to look inside ourselves as to what we can do to make our own lives better? A sense of it being easier to point fingers than to take responsibility?

Either way, while speaking our minds in essence is a good thing ~ it can be a great inspiration to people, it can spark discussions that can lead to innovative solutions to the challenges we face in this point in time ~ it seems to be true still that if you have nothing nice to say, nothing constructive to add, nothing that encourages people to build better lives for themselves…
Then your words probably are best left unsaid.

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