Tuesday, May 17, 2016


When we are on the road, especially when we are on our way for a fair distance, long straight highways  can become boring to the point of being dangerous. With nothing happening, just a long, straight, multiple lane road, with similar countryside on either side for miles and miles and miles. It is something that, after a while, can put us to sleep behind the wheel.

In a sense, the same is true for our personal path.
If everything is going on as it should be, with things coming into our lives and moving out of it just the way we had expected it to happen… If life itself continues same ole', same ole’… Then we may find ourselves become a bit less aware of what else could happen.
We may find we have build ourselves a comfort zone that we are quite happy to reside in!

Chances are ~ at least as far as our personal path goes ~ we may run into a ‘zigzag’ at that point. A twisty, turning stretch on our path, that shakes us up. A wake-up call to get out of our comfort zone, and to enter into the full life we are meant to live.

One could even say that we may be better off when the road we are traveling ~ whether that is a factual journey or it referring to our personal paths ~ is meandering. Flowing with the landscape. Following the scenery with sharp zigzag turns in the mountains, and softer, winding stretches when the going is easy.
No ~ almost artificial ~ straight lines…

That would mean that zigzags ~ be it the sharp turns or soft flowing meanders ~ are what life should look like. They are our friends. They keep us awake and aware so that we can see the opportunities as they arise.
As we move along with those zigzags, we well may find that we discover new potential in ourselves as well as in the world around us than we had in all this time we spend in our comfort zone. And pretty soon we may find that we truly enjoy the winding roads and the challenges they bring.

From the scenic vistas to the shadow-filled forests; from the hot, sunny deserts to the cold, wet Winter weather on the coast. As the zigzagging road moves from one side to the next, and back again, there is no time to fall asleep behind the wheel. No reason to lock ourselves into our comfort zone.
All there is, is anticipation of a new adventure the lies beyond the next turn in the road!

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