Friday, July 1, 2016


According to the dictionary, it means self-governing, self-ruling, self-determining, sovereign, autonomous, free, nonaligned. Or, when looked at from a more personal level: self-sufficient, self-supporting, self-reliant, standing on one's own two feet, freethinking, individualistic, unconventional, maverick, bold, unconstrained, unfettered, untrammeled.

Reading through the list it is easy to understand why we are valuing our independence so much ~ both on a national level as well as on a personal level. Our independence not only makes us self-reliant, or even self-governing; it will also set us apart from others as it tends to highlight our individualism ~ the unique persons that we are.
Our independence is seen as an empowerment.

Yet sometimes, the stronger, more empowered person is the one who knows when to ask for help. Or the one who is secure in allowing someone else to take the lead in a venture or a process. The one who finds joy and fulfillment in accomplishing something together ~ even if the ultimate achievement will therefore be linked to someone else.

It seems like the concept of independence is changing.
The smaller the earth seems to become, the more we need to address issues and solve problems from a global perspective. No longer is any one Country a self-governing, individualistic island on the face of the earth. Just like we, the people, need each other more and more. Not from a ‘needy’ point of view, but more from a perspective of sharing ourselves in order to inspire both ourselves and those around us.

With that comes the opportunity to extend a helping hand to those who are not quite as strong, those who may stumble and fall. The privilege to help them on their path. Helping them on their path, ultimately will help us on our paths.

And that is where the true difference between independence and dependence is found.

For those who stumble, yet have a mindset that says that they too will be self-reliant and empowered; those who just need that little boost in order to get up and run with it ~ those will never become dependent upon others; dragging others down.
On the other hand, those that have a mindset that says it is easier to have someone else doing it for you; those who ask for help time and time again, without having the desire to step up and start doing it  themselves ~ those will always be dependent upon others.

It is the mindset that makes the difference ~ personally, nationally, and yes, globally.

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