Friday, June 24, 2016


Unless we put in some effort to reproduce a certain shape, chances are there is no shape that is exactly like any other shape. Not in nature, in life, or even in the Universe. The shapes may be similar, and as such point to a specific tree, animal, herb, or even a specific type of soil that is nurturing them. Yet the more we look at them, the more we see the tiny differences between them.

And a lot of these individual and unique shapes can then make up a larger unique and recognizable shape. Like when we can say from a distance, just by an overall shape, that a particular tree is an beech tree. Or an oak tree. Or any other type of tree, for that matter.

Part of how each tiny part is formed into a unique shape that is going to make up the majestic whole, has to do with its circumstances. Where did it grow? Was it always standing alone in a field, or did it grow in a forest where it had to fight for the nutrients that would allow it to reach up to the light above? And is the soils its roots are growing in just suitable, or pretty darn close to the perfect soil for that tree? And is there a continuous wind blowing, always coming from the same direction? Or is it growing in a sheltered place? Are there people coming by to prune it, or even shape it into a miniature version of its brethren, or can it grow in all directions with unbridled vitality and creativity?

No matter what the circumstances, in nature each and every shape is perfect, and in exactly the right place. Whether it is a leaf on a branch of a tree, or the tree itself; it is perfect and unique!

The same is true for us.

Our circumstances vary greatly, as to where, when, how, why we are who we are. The opportunities that come with the circumstances can be polar opposites from one person tot he next.
Yet from a spiritual perspective we are all perfect and exactly where we are supposed to be…

The spiritual perspective looks at each of us as unique shapes that make up a whole, yet allows each and every one of us to walk our individual paths; learn our personal lessons.
From the spiritual perspective, a successful life is not the live where we grew into a ‘bigger-then-life’ figure with lots of worldly success attached to that, or even reaching a certain destination; it is a life where we learn and grow from walking our personal paths.

So some of us may be like that tree in the forest, forever reaching for the light, its shape thin and tall; while others may grow to be robust looking, spreading out the roots and the crowns to its furthest extend. Others still may be pruned over and again and end up gnarly looking…
And yet, whatever our shape, we are all perfect; and a perfect and important fit into the overall shape…

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