Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Getting it

There are many ways in which you can ‘get it’. Ways in which you can understand, or grasp something.

From one perspective one could say that understanding can come through the use of each of our senses ~ touch, smell, hearing, taste, or sight. And in our language we have the sayings to prove it:
We can ‘feel something out’, we can ‘smell something fishy’, we can ‘hear the whispers in the wind’, we can ‘taste the fullness’, and we can ‘see how it works’.

And then we can come to a mental understanding ~ again something that has a number of different ways in which to go about it: Logically, intuitively, or even from an ‘inner knowing’ perspective.

Whichever way is the manner in which you look at the world around you ~ or things in that world around you ~ you feel the need to understand; often it still comes down to the interpretation of that which you are seeing, sensing or analyzing.
Especially as there are any number of things that make the process of observation and understanding a personal, and therefore subjective one...

On one hand we have this tendency to not ‘see’ the things we don’t believe to be true ~ even though they may be right in front of our eyes. And then there are the things we sense ~ they can be incredibly accurate, yet hard to put into words. And it gets even harder to express that which we are now comprehending when we gain this understanding through, for instance, the sense of smell or taste...

Looking at the mental side of things ~ a lot depends on asking the right questions. Whether we ask them of ourselves, or of others that may be able to enlighten us. And this is independent from whether the answer is reached through a logical process, or via intuitive means.

And all of these possibilities are assuming that there are specific answers or information sought after and ~ hopefully ~ eventually given.

But what if the answer comes as a parable or a fable? A series of pictures, perhaps, that show a story line which, at least at first glance, has hardly anything to do with the question asked ~ let alone with an answer to those questions?

Then the answers get to be even more personal ~ sometimes even relying on the individual symbolic meanings aspects of the parable. This means that the person receiving the answer as a parable, needs to be the one interpreting the answer and putting it into words. If anybody else would give it a try, the answer might turn out to be totally different...

Ultimately it doesn’t matter how a person gets to gain the understanding one is after. It is important, however, that one is true to Self interpreting the answer.

Got it?

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