Friday, July 29, 2011


The dictionary definition of gossip is: casual or unconstrained conversation or reports about other people, typically involving details that are not confirmed as being true.

In essence, gossip is any conversation about other people while they are absent.
Often gossip involves personal opinions and judgements of another person, who is not there to defend himself or to set the record straight.

We probably have all done it on one occasion or another; gossiped about mutual friends. Often accompanied by a phrase like: I do not condone gossiping, but... And ended with something like: But we really shouldn’t gossip now, should we...

Yet the lives of other people seem to hold a fair bit of interest to us. What they have done. How they have handled a particular situation. How stupid they were doing that.
And by the same token, we seem to always keep in the back of our minds what they would think about us: “But they said...” is the flip side of the coin that is called gossip.

It leads me to wonder, what is so appealing about the life of others; or for that matter, the opinion of others, that we talk about it so much; that we give it so much time and energy? That we tend to give it more importance than we give our own life.
What is lacking in our own life, that we feel the need to focus on the lives of others?

Think of all the things we can accomplish, if we only would approach our own lives with the same vigor with which we look at the lives of others; if only we would apply that energy to the things we would really like to manifest in our own life.

So why don’t we?
For one thing, focussing on our own lives takes work. To make our own lives better, it is necessary to release the things we no longer need, to decide what we want to get out of our lives; and then to take action to actually get it.

Ultimately it comes down to the choice whether we want to watch the soap opera of somebody else ~ be it on television, or through gossip ~ or if we will take action to solve our personal ‘soap opera’ and manifest into our lives those things we really want. Do the things we really want to do.

To live our own life in such a way that it will turn out better than we ever dreamed possible.

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