Tuesday, July 5, 2011


There are many kinds of pressure, and when you start thinking about it, not all of them are bad...

For most of us, being put under pressure is a stressful event. Whether it is the pressure of an exam, an interview, the deadline of a job, or having to get somewhere in time while the rush hour traffic is moving nowhere fast...

But then there are also those that find themselves performing better when under a certain amount of pressure. The will to win, to be the best, or to come out on top can be fueled by the added pressure. And often, when this is the case, pressure is not necessarily considered a bad thing.
It is, however, a thing that if not released periodically, can flip into something that is detrimental to us ~  be it health-wise, mentally or emotionally.

As such, pressure is something that can be found pretty much anywhere. Even in nature there are instances when it is under pressure. This can be pressure from us, humans ~ something that sometimes is referred to as our ‘carbon footprint’ ~ or something that is of nature itself; like a massive thunderstorm.

Most of us have experienced that kind of building up of pressure in nature... The way it begins with a temperature or humidity that suddenly seems to become heavy. Almost like there is no oxygen left in the air. The way it affects the atmosphere, not only outside, but also indoors. So much so that when you finally see dark clouds packing together, there is a sense that things are about to change. And then that moment when the pressure seems to be greatest ~ when everything is quiet, and even the wind has died down...
Then there is the lightning and the thunder ~ and as soon as the first drops of rain fall, nature is releasing all that pressure; usually with a ‘bang’.
Immediately it cools down, the heaviness is gone. And when the rain stops, the air is clean and has that very specific ‘after a thunder storm ~ scent’.

As a polarity, a pressure that can be beneficial to us, is the pressure applied in a massage; or in an acupressure treatment. Through a ‘counter pressure’, the pressure that is on the verge of becoming too much for us to handle is being released ~ leaving us feeling refreshed and filled with energy.

At this point in time, when polarity aspects of many issues seem to be staring us right in our faces ~ something that can put us under pressure in its own right ~ it is more important than ever before to  find balance instead of permitting either extreme to overwhelm us...

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