Tuesday, August 2, 2011

No Words

It doesn’t happen often, but every once in a while I just stare at a blank screen trying to come up with a topic for this blog. Any topic. And the words that usually come so easily seem to have abandoned me. Minutes go by. The cat gets up, stretches and walks to the kitchen. I hear the cat door moving, and he is out into the Summer night. And the screen on the computer is still empty. My thoughts are absolutely quiet. There are no words...

One could argue that when the mind is quiet, when there are no thoughts floating by, interrupting the stillness ~ that this is a good thing. An enlightening thing even. And I suppose that is true while meditating, or even when in a state of mindfulness.
However, when you seek to write ~ putting your thoughts to paper (or keying them onto the computer, as the case may be) the very absence of those thoughts is the interruption.

And I am beginning to wonder if this is what is called ‘writers block’.

Now, writer’s block assumes a blockage of some sort preventing story-lines to form. And a blockage, as my teacher Julian taught me long time ago, can be defined as “An obstacle in the flow toward a predetermined outcome”.
The outcome would be the post for this blog. The obstacle: no words.

Yet is there is an obstacle occurring in any process we endeavor in, the big question is why? What can be the reason for an obstacle, especially one that stands in the way of finishing whatever is the process at hand; or reaching the desired outcome?

The reason why something like this might happen can have to do with timing. Writing this at such a time when other things should have priority. In which case it is not the ‘predetermined outcome’, or ‘desired outcome’ that is the problem ~ only when this ‘predetermined outcome’ would become a reality.
Another reason could be the need for a vacation.
And then there is always the chance that all is quiet in my mind is what I need most right now. That it is a not so subtle hint that ~ at least for this moment ~ meditation is where it is at. To just sit and permit my already quiet mind to relax into a state of quiescence, not bothered by time-frames, dead-lines, or priorities that exist outside of Self.

Pondering that possibility, does stir up some thoughts that lazily bring to my attention that perhaps I should indeed give that a try. That just sitting back and be still for a little bit can be more beneficial to me at this moment, than pushing on...

I take a deep breath...
All is well...
All is quiet...
No words...

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