Friday, December 28, 2012


Most of us have opinions about what is happening in our lives and in the world around us. And let’s face it, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. It gives us a way to see where we stand concerning an issue ~ and as such it helps us discern what we want in our lives; what we want to be part of and what ‘is not for us’.

That being said it is also true that opinions tend to be polarizing. Especially in this time in which pretty much everything that is happening has its polarities ~ leaving hardly any middle ground to navigate. And when opinions start to polarize an issue, it is really easy for the balance to be lost.
After all, we know our opinion is the right one, and therefore the other person must be wrong. And if they fail to come around to our perspective, our point of view on the matter, then it doesn’t take long before either party draws a line in the sand...

And funnily enough it is not just the negative, or ‘against something’ opinions that can have this effect.  I have found that even positive, or ‘in favor of something’ opinions can pit the parties against one another. Although I have to admit that the issue or topic at hand does make a difference.
Let’s face it, very few people are against world peace ~ we pretty much all can agree on that achieving  world peace is a good thing.

Just reading posts on for instance Facebook it seems that two things can really get people to express their opinions:
The sense that something is taken away from us.
The sense that another person or group tells us what to do ~ in other words authority.

Obviously these points are related. Something that is taken away from us, usually touches us on a personal ~ even emotional ~ level. An authority that tells us what to do and how to do it may actually push buttons that are buried deep down in our make-up ~ perhaps even in our subconscious levels ~ and sparks a reaction that can border on rebellion. Either way it is very understandable that we have an opinion about what is happening...

From a more spiritual perspective, having strong opinions does have a caveat. If we are not careful our opinions can become judgements rather than the expressed discernment about that particular situation. And as soon as we start judging others because of their beliefs, their ideals, yes even their opinions ~ we can suddenly find ourselves in a negative spiral that some may say even has karmic repercussions.

Opinions can be productive as different opinions can show different sides of an issue ~ to use them constructively, the ultimate goal should be to resolve the issue...

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