Tuesday, December 18, 2012


Every once in a while there is a day that has a certain stillness to it, a sense of calm.
It is not because there is nobody outside, or nothing is happening. It hardly ever has anything to do with the weather. Or the time of day... However it does seem that such a day filled with stillness is more apt to come along closer to the Winter Solstice...
It is just that sense of quiet that invites us to listen rather than to spring into action.

A day like that can be a pensive one. It can be a day to step back from all the activity and to take a look at life ~ to observe where you spend your time and energy. To see what things bring happiness into your life, and where true fulfillment comes from. To separate the meaningful from the superficial ~ the productive from the frivolous...

A day like that may encourage you to look at who you are. Your hopes and dreams, wishes and desires. At the things you are anticipating and your expectations. The self-imposed rules and limitations ~ attitudes. Even the righteous indignation that pops up every once in a while...

And so a day like that can become a day to take stock. To observe where you are at, and to look where you are going. A day like that can instigate the desire to change things if you don’t like what you are seeing.
Now that you have taken that step back from all the normal, day to day happenings chances are that suddenly you become aware of the things that are no longer needed in your life, things that can be ~ or perhaps even should have been ~ released from your life. Things you have carried along for a long, long time that all of a sudden you can let go of.

In the stillness of that day, new ideas can come up, new plans may be made. It is like we get a new compass in that energy of stillness, the ability to change direction.
And while such a day filled with stillness is not necessarily a life altering event in itself ~ it gives us the opportunity to turn inside of ourselves, examine where we are at, evaluate our lives, and start the creation of a new base, a new foundation from which to move forward.

So while the stillness in itself doesn’t change us ~ through the stillness we change ourselves...

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