Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The things we don’t miss

There are different ways in which we don’t miss things in our lives.
First and foremost there are things that have not brought us anything worth missing ~ and as soon as those things disappear from our lives we are happy to see them go! And once gone, it becomes easy in a hurry to get used to life without them...

Yet what about things we have never had in our lives? Chances are we don’t miss those either. Not because we wouldn’t want them to be in our lives, but rather because we have never imagined how it would be if we did have it in our lives.
Perhaps because we cannot fathom what our lives would look like with those things. Or maybe because ~ as we have never had them in the first place ~ we fail to come up with a picture on how it could enrich our lives. Why bother? Life has been good without it, so what does it possibly have to offer to make it better?
And without the desire and the imagined result ~ it is likely it won’t find its way into our lives.

For many things ~ gadgets and such ~ weighing the need and the desire before bringing it into your life is a good thing. To take a moment to see if it is something you would miss if it weren’t in your life...

There are things however we should have in our lives, and not having them because we don’t miss them ~ for instance because we have never truly experienced them ~ can be a problem. For instance self esteem, self worth, self respect, or even your own space... If we haven’t at some point in our lives sensed how it feels to have those things ~ we may not miss them. And yet they are vitally important in our lives!

Without having a sense of our own space, it is hard to set boundaries ~ and we may find others ‘walking all over us all the time’. Without having a healthy respect for ourselves, we may not encounter respect from others as much as we would like. Without having a sense of self worth, it may be difficult to negotiate what we are being paid in our jobs; or to go after that well deserved raise...

These are things that ~ even if we never thought we missed them ~ are important to give some thought. To start imagining how they would make our lives better.

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