Friday, December 27, 2013


It is funny how the circumstances we may find ourselves in can either give us a jumpstart, or stop us in our tracks. We tend to look at a change in our circumstances as a negative. Something that is throwing off our routine; that takes away the structure in our lives ~ in other words, something that makes our lives harder than it needs to be as it takes away the organization we have imposed on our lives. It stops the plans we have made in their tracks, and suddenly we need to adapt to a place ~ and energy ~ that we are not that familiar with.
This seems quite obvious with the ‘biggies’ ~ like relationship (whether they start or end; the do change the circumstances), moving house (for whatever the reason), losing or finding a job… All of those things change our circumstances to such extend that we are forced to adapt.

Yet there are much smaller things we can find on our path, that change our circumstances in such a way that they become ‘life altering events’.

I remember one time long ago when my 100-year old house was being insulated ~ double glazed windows, insulated floor instead of the bare floor boards… It was a sense of luxury that I hadn’t know before. And pretty soon I felt compelled to change my environment from a space furnished with secondhand, cheap furniture into a space that was truly my own. In hindsight something I should have done long before that time; yet living in my own little world, following my own little plans had made it easy to put it off.
Other examples were when I got my first car; when I quit my job. And also when I decided my really long hair; and the time when I painted the walls of my living room yellow.

A change in circumstances can be innocuous ~ like painting de walls of a room in a different color ~ and still have an enormous effect. As the energy changes, whether that is anticipated or not, it can set a line of events in motion that change our perspectives, our experiences. And before we know it, the plans we had made don’t seem to fit anymore. As we change our plans we may not even be fully aware that the dominos have started falling…
After all is said and done, life looks differently.
We have changed.

The curious thing to me is how a tiny change in circumstances can push us to adapt and change ~ and pushes us to take a giant leap on our personal paths…

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