Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Time flies

Today when I woke up, I suddenly realized that we had already passed the threshold into December ~ just like that; quietly like a shadow sneaking up on you when the sun sets on a Summer evening. And with that came the thought of how I had lost track of time.
It seemed like only last week that Spring came by… And wasn’t it just like a couple of days ago that Summer started with its ever lengthening evenings. And Fall; Fall had only just started, right?

The whole year has flown by ~ day by day, week by week ~ leaving no trace as they left.

Looking back more closely now, I know that I have been quite busy. Done all sorts of things at all kinds of hours. And yet, at the same time it seems that the things I had set out to do this year are still patiently waiting for me to finally get to do them.
It seems that with each day a lot of things do get done; except for the things I had promised myself I’d do today.

When a discrepancy in the experience of time happens like that, it hardly ever last as long as an entire year… On the other hand it does happen more often than one might think. Every time a day goes by much more quickly than we had anticipated, it can be because we were distracted, scattered ~ or so focused on something, that we literally lost track of time. By the same token, days we would want to go by a bit more quickly can seem to last forever.
Either way it means we are slightly out of touch with time in that moment.

And as we are out of touch with time, we are also out of touch with energy. It is as if we are operating on a slightly different frequency than everything around us is.
Time and energy are funny that way; they do have that particular correlation. And as long as we ourselves are functioning in exactly the same frequency of the energy around us; we can easily do everything we set out to do that day ~ often with time to spare to have some fun. Yet as soon as we find ourselves in that slightly different frequency, our sense of timing ~ and with that our experience of time ~ is off.
We can be running ahead of ourselves, being so focused on all the things that need attention right now; all the things that need to be done today ~ that time flies by; leaving us with hardly enough time to get it all done. Or we can resist to get going on something ~ procrastinating ~ and finding that time stretches almost into infinity that day.

Either way there is merit in taking a moment in order to realign ourselves with the energies around us before moving ahead with the task at hand.

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