Friday, November 29, 2013

15 minutes

If you have 15 minutes right now to do anything you would wish to do ~ what would it be?

Chances are that there are a lot of things you may want to do ~ perhaps even a ‘bucket list’ ~ that would take longer than 15 minutes… And it is easy to make that an excuse for not doing anything with those 15 minutes: ‘too short for a walk’, ‘I could only just get started with … and then the time is up; so it is no use’, or the ‘I just don’t have time for this right now’…

The obvious counter arguments are that a short walk is better than no walk at all; that if you get started today, you can continue tomorrow, and ~ lets face it ~ on a whole day, if one really wants to, pretty much anyone can spare 15 minutes to do something…

And as it turns out, there are a lot of things we can do in 15 minutes.

A relaxing hot shower after (or even in the middle of) a stressful day. Sitting in the doorway, just enjoying the afternoon sun. A quick cup of coffee. A walk around the block. Making one picture with your smart phone of something no further than a 5 minute walk away. Playing with the dog or cat. Really enjoying that cup of tea. Write a Haiku.
The list goes on and on ~ and I am certain that there could be lots of things on it that are perhaps more interesting, more involving.

Each and every one of those things may seem trivial.
Yet they are all things that are easy to do in 15 minutes, and for most of those things we don’t need anything other than those 15 minutes…

One may ask though, what is in it for me? Doing something relatively trivial for 15 minutes ~ what do I get out of that? Why bother?

For starters, using those 15 minutes to do something ~ anything ~ you wish, has the potential to turn your life around. It can change your attitude. It can help you break out of the routine of every day life where there is ‘no time’ to do the things you feel you really want to do. It can help you get started on a project that may take quite a bit of time and is therefore pushed out to take up ‘later’. It can help you look at your familiar surroundings in a totally different manner ~ allowing you to see new beauty in every day things. It can even help you write a book.

So really, if you have 15 minutes right now ~ what would you spend them on?

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