Friday, November 1, 2013

Too much

It is like everybody has too much to do. Everybody is busy with all kinds of things, often skipping some much needed ‘me-time’. Most of the time this has to do with our priorities; with how and where we decide to apply our time and energy.

Yet there is more that can easily overwhelm us; like the continuous sounds from our MP3 players. Or the fact that we can always be reached by phone, day or night, and wherever we are. TV programs where 50 years ago something special that was reserved for the evening hours, while now we can watch TV pretty much all day and all night.
In a sense one could even say that the fact that everything and anything can be talked about can land us in an overload situation. Although that may work slightly different than other things that come our way that are too much; for instance, it could be more because it doesn’t agree with our values and/or belief system. When that happens, just the fact that we have difficulty accepting the information that is coming our way ~ both in volume as well as in content ~ can mean that it all of a sudden takes a lot more of our energy and time than we envisioned.

The other thing that can happen when ‘too much’ is coming our way, is that we may start feeling uncertain about our values and belief systems. The question that comes up is ‘If this is normal, could it be that my perspective is not?’
Both that question as well as all the things and information coming our way ask for a reevaluation. They ask for stepping back just enough to truly see where we stand on it.

It is at that point that we may get help from unexpected sources.

What happened to me as I was stepping back from the flow of my slightly too busy life, is that within a week a number of TV programs came up that questioned the wisdom of being bombarded with ‘too much’. They stated ~ each in their own way ~ that this seems to be one of the causes that our cultures values are loosening up. Things that were private not that long ago, now are readily available to whoever cares to go after it ~ be it information, images, or experiences. And sharing any and all (private) information seems to be becoming the new normal.

Each of these programs doubted whether this new normal of ‘too much’ would be beneficial to us as individuals or to our culture...

When this is the answer I need in my life right now, I guess I’d better step back and start reevaluating.

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