Tuesday, November 5, 2013


The first Universal law states that “All is mind, the Universe is mental” or in other words: “All is mind, mind is all”. So, whichever way you look at it, our thoughts are important.
More recent research indicates that apart from thinking, our belief systems play a large role in what we think and how we behave. Yet, through thinking ~ through reasoning it out ~ we can adapt our belief systems into a new set of beliefs, a new set of thoughts that serves us better as we are living our lives.

Therefore, without question our thinking is important. Not just what we think, also how we think. How we ‘reason it out’.

And yet, surprisingly we seem to refrain more and more from thinking  our own original thoughts; adhering more and more to thoughts other people think. We are ‘following’ blogs, people and pages on social media, and read up on news from independent sources to get ‘the real scoop’. We tend to ~ without much questioning ~ make the opinions of other people we trust, our own.

It seems that we are getting a bit lazy as far as our reasoning; our thoughts and our thinking are concerned… Up to a point.

Interestingly enough we are well aware of things that aren’t right in other parts of the world; in politics, economics, etc. And we have a tendency to more and more make ourselves heard in those areas ~ and that is a good thing!
But the closer to our own lives it comes, the less critical we are; and the more likely we are to just accept what other people tell us is good for us. Especially if that other person is a teacher, a doctor, or someone we have grown to respect and like as a person…

Often the advice we get is sound and worth following.
Yet it would be a good idea in any event to think it through for ourselves, and to register how we feel about the advice given. We may not like what we are told, and yet feel deep inside ourselves that it still is the right thing to do. If this is true, there is a good chance we ‘can reason out’ how it can play out in our lives to our benefit.
Doing this we would be astutely aware of those instances when the advice given is not going to be beneficial to us. When what we are told may make logical sense from the other person’s perspective; yet be outside of our own value or belief systems…

This means that one of the best things we can do for ourselves is to keep ‘reasoning it out’ on our own; and to keep thinking our own, original thoughts.

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