Friday, August 15, 2014


Pretty much everything we do is about the effect it is going to have. Therefore it is important to figure out what we are trying to achieve; what the most desired effect of our actions is.
And while we are sometimes just interested in pulling a prank on someone, more often we engage in more serious activities. We work a job to get a pay check. We clean the house and create the nicest of environments in order to make our house a home.

Yet it always starts with the effect we have in mind…
The dream we want to make come true. That one thing we want to see or do in our life time ~ which leads to the ‘bucket list’; the things we want to do before we ‘kick the bucket’. We want to be successful in whichever way we define ‘success’ for ourselves.
And once we have determined what the effect is we are going for, we device a plan of action that will get us there. In other words, we put the ‘cause’ in motion.

At least that is the plan…

The fact that it doesn’t always work out exactly that way becomes clear as we are living our lives. Almost on a daily basis we may come across ‘effects’ that we did not set out to achieve. At least on on a conscious level of thought or planning. Suddenly something happens, or we find ourselves in a situation where we never wanted to be, and yet, here we are.

As it is clearly an effect of something, in cases like this it is important to find what caused that specific effect to crop up in our lives so unexpectedly.
And like is true with the planned and desired effects we bring into our lives, these unplanned, unwanted effects we find ourselves facing often have a cause that is very close to us. It may be an attitude, an emotion. It can be one of our life lessons that has caused this in order for us to pay attention to something we may have overlooked before.

IN this day and age it seems that very often the somewhat hidden cause to the unwanted effect can be found in a certain indignation; or even in a perspective that says that ‘the world owes me …’. Like ‘I am a nice, spiritual person, and therefore nasty things shouldn’t happen to me’. Or: ‘I have given so much in the past, now I deserve to be given this thing I really want.’

Given the fact that those type of perspectives rarely result in the effects we desire, one could say we are better off adapting a more genuine, more kind attitude in dealing with the word around us…

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