Friday, June 12, 2015

Bringing it forward

When we grow up we learn to behave a certain way, to do things a certain way, and, whether we want to or not, to think along certain lines. Growing up, all of these things make sense. They placed us in a profitable position. And this profit may have been the approval of parents, care-givers and teachers, or it may have extended into being allowed specific things we wanted to have or do at that time. Whichever way you look at it, when we learned those things ~ way back when ~ they were beneficial to us.

The same thing goes for the culture we have grown up in ~ or any other culture, as it turns out. When you look back a hundred or two hundred years, things were done a certain way for a reason. Usually a very good reason. Let’s face it, no matter where you might have lived at the time, two hundred years ago it was important to have the skill and the means to defend yourself, your property, and your family. And at that time, both the skill and the means were more likely than not very physically oriented. At that time, in that environment, it made perfect sense to have a baton handy at all times, and knifes and guns were good things, sometimes even necessary things to have around. And not just for hunting…

Then, when time progresses, things change. Even when those changes are not of our doing, or aren’t even affecting us very much; there are changes.
In growing up, we change. As an adult we no longer have to ask if we can eat a cookie right before dinner; and no longer the answer is a certain ‘no’. As we grow up, we do more and more things our way. And that is a good thing!
And yet, there are almost always seemingly little things that we will still do exactly the way we were taught when we were children. And these things may be as relatively inconsequential as when we do our shopping and what type of store we prefer doing our shopping at, to how we interact with the people around us ~ which can have a huge impact on our lives.
So it is a good thing to once in a while step back and take a conscious look if what we have learned in the past is still serving us; is still productive and beneficial to us…
If not, it seems reasonable to find other ways of interaction, or other manners in which we do our chores.

Culturally the same thing is true.
For instance, where we needed to physically defend ourselves so many years ago; we now have greater reason to defend ourselves from digital, or cyber, attacks. On average, a good (digital) security system is a better defense system to guard our property and our family than having a baton ready behind the front door…

Whether it is personal or cultural, over time we do the same things in different ways.
In other words, we are bringing it forward…

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