Tuesday, June 30, 2015

State of being

There are a number of energies that we feel is a state of being more than anything else. Like peace. It is the state of being that is peaceful, that we may find ourselves in when we meditate, or at least become aware of right after our meditations.
Other states of being we may feel are beneficial to us are being mindful, being compassionate, being spiritual, being kind… The list goes on and on…

In other words, there are energies we would like to propagate in our lives. Energies that are beneficial to us and to the world around us. And those benefits may encompass many layers within ourselves, just as much as they may touch many aspects of our environments. As it happens, the more we become the energy we desire, the more we radiate that energy into the world around us.

So how do we achieve that state of being?

First and foremost, we need to want it in our lives. In order to become peaceful ~ to gain a peaceful state of being ~ we need to desire peace to be part of our lives. So whether we reach a peaceful state of being is a choice more than anything else…

And this goes for any energy we would like to be part of our lives.
It even goes for energies that we may not choose to be part of our lives, yet somehow we hold on to them ~ often without even realizing we are doing it.
For instance, when we feel frightened, and when this sense of fright has been part of our lives for an extended amount of time ~ sometimes just because we grew up around people who were fearful ~ then we may find ourselves in a ‘frightened state of being’. Not by choice, but rather because it ~ often on a subconscious level ~ has been part of our lives for so long…
And this state of being is not beneficial to us. It could keep us from being loving towards ourselves, and affectionate toward others around us.
Other emotions that can lead us into an undesired state of being may be frustration, irritation, disappointment, or anger…

This makes the choices we make on the energies we invite into our lives even more important!

While on one hand we can actively choose an energy to become part of our lives, at the same time we have to be willing to leave the feelings, emotions and attitudes ~ which perhaps have been part of our lives for a very long time ~ that are not beneficial to us behind.

And yet, it sounds a lot more positive to choose the energy of peace to be part of our lives than to get stuck in the somewhat tired: “Just let it go…”

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