Friday, September 27, 2013


Throughout life there are any number of things worth complaining about. Like when the garbage truck through some inexplicable twist of fate fails to pick up the garbage in your street on ‘garbage day’. Or when that brand new rain jacket the very first time you are wearing it out in the rain allows water to seep through soaking your clothes.

Yet there are an even greater amount of things that aren’t even worth complaining about... Looking at the facts they turn out to be just tiny nuisances that are just part of every day life.

The weather is not a bad example. There are complaints when it is to cold, or too hot, or too wet, or too dry... And the weather that is perfect for one person is bound to leave something desired for the next person.

And then there are the things that are just different than we want them to be. They are unanticipated, unexpected ~ or just different. Not quite the way we ourselves would have put them together (if we had had the bright idea in the first place, then put in a lot of work to put it together and make it available to the world).
It is those things that are beyond complaining.
By the time we start complaining about things like this ~ we are at a point where we complain for the sake of complaining.

When we start complaining about anything and everything because ‘it should be different’ or ‘it should be better’ ~ in essence we are creating an energy that says that nothing is ever good enough for us. No matter how well thought out something is; if we look hard enough we can always find something we don’t like about it, something that could have been done better, or just different, that we can complain about. Saying that it isn’t good enough.
Often it is not just about products that are for sale, services that are offered by other people; when we really get in the swing of complaining for the sake of complaining ~ pretty soon the things we ourselves are doing aren’t good enough either. To a certain extend the complaining becomes an expression of extreme perfectionism...

As we are the creators of our own lives, manifesting into our lives the things we desire, both through our actions as well as the words we use ~ it makes me wonder what we are creating for ourselves when complaining has become a way of life...
When we keep telling the Universe that what it brings on our path isn’t good enough...

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