Friday, April 18, 2014

Split second

It seems that most life changing things happen in a split second. Whether it is a realization, an awareness, a decision ~ it is in that split second that suddenly we know with an absolute certainty what to do, where to go, how to reinvent ourselves…
In that one tiny moment one could say ‘we see the light’. We gain clarity; we clearly see what decisions to make; what steps to take right there and then.

When this happens to us, those around us may caution us. Tell us to think it through; to sleep on it; to talk it over with a friend (or a professional) before we take action on our sudden decisions.
And while it is true that those very type of decisions have far stretching ramifications and as such are life changing events ~ ‘sleeping on it’ hardly ever will change our minds. In fact, sleeping on it may strengthen our resolve as our reason gets a chance to catch up with our sudden strike of insight.

Not every decision made this way turns out to be a matter of life or death ~ although some are ~ pretty much all split second decisions will turn our personal paths into a different direction. It may prompt us to adopt new values, do new things…
And it almost always will bring us to a point where we feel more alive than we may have felt for some time.

In a sense, that split second decision ~ or perhaps better said ‘split second awareness ~ places us in a position where we can see how we can use our potential to the fullest. It brings us a realization of who we truly are. And with that comes a new perspective on what we are doing with our lives. Where we spend our time and energy. Where we find our happiness and joy and love…
It confronts us if we have been ‘dilli-dallying’ around, not doing much of anything with our talents and capabilities.

That split second can transform us ~ sometimes to a greater extend than years of dedication can.
That split second is when our need, our readiness, and our willingness to take on our life’s purpose all come together with the right timing. It is like when all of those aspects come together a light bulb flashes on, allowing us to see. To really see… To ~ at least on some level ~ even be aware of all the ramifications of our actions, our choices and decisions.

A flash of light that brings enormous clarity where none was before ~ and all of that in a split second…

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