Friday, July 6, 2012

Our Belongings

Do you feel tied down by your belongings, by the things you have worked hard for to be able to buy for yourself ~ but now that you have them they take so much of your time and energy to maintain that you are wondering if it is worth it. Or perhaps even how you got there?

Are your the things you own in a sense tools that make your life easier?

Or do you feel that your possessions are just ‘things’; ‘stuff’ that is easy to walk away from if ever you felt the need to do so ~ without ever giving it a second thought?

It seems that looking at our belongings from a perspective that asks ourselves why we own them can be an enlightening experience! It does require to be honest about it. It also helps to keep an open mind...

Yet if we do that, we may find that there are things that at one time in our lives were things we had worked toward, saved our pennies for ~ until finally we could afford to have them! Making that item a milestone as much as anything. A token of our achievements.
And sometimes we may find that while that item has long since been replaced with a newer, easier to use, or better quality version ~ or even with something all together different that serves us better whichever (logical) way you look at it; it is hard to toss this old thing we worked so hard for to get it...
Somehow our emotional satisfaction of getting it at the time, still overrides the logical decision to either keep it or toss it...

For many of us these emotional attachments to (some of the) things we own make it hard to ‘clean house’. To release the things that have outlived their usefulness. And in doing so making space for things that can serve us better given the point in our lives we are at right now.
In a sense one could say that it is through these emotional attachments a shift has occurred where we don’t own our belongings, but our belongings have come to own us...

The moment we decide to release those things from our lives that are n longer useful to us, yet are still filling up our cupboards and garages ~ we have a tendency to not only create actual space in our homes, but also open up our personal, or core space for new experiences.

And while there is nothing wrong with owning lots of things ~ every once in a while it is a good idea to evaluate if we are owning them, or whether they have come to own us. In which case it might be time to release them...

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