Tuesday, July 31, 2012

What comes first?

I find that when I have taken some steps on my personal path, something feels different ~ and pretty soon I get the urge to change something in my house too! This can be just a thorough cleaning and reorganizing of things. It can also instigate painting the walls in a different color; new furniture ~ even when I would get the furniture secondhand; it’s new to me and my home...
I then keep tweaking it until the way I am feeling inside myself, and the way I feel inside my home match once again.

Sometimes I have a real need for, for instance, a new cabinet. One that is more practical, fills my needs better, looks better ~ whatever the final reason is, I know with a certainty that getting this new cabinet is a good thing!
And then, when the old cabinet is out and the new cabinet has taken its place ~ ready for me to organize the things I want to put into it; I suddenly realize that as I am changing out the new cabinet for the old I am making changes in my home that are making me feel different...

Somehow an opening is created for me to take another step on my personal path...

From an energy point of view craving that inner/outer balance is an age old thing. It is why Spring cleaning happens indeed in the Spring season when out in nature everything is new, fresh and brightly colored. Experiencing this outside, in nature, may then prompt us to create inside our home a similar energy of fresh newness in which we can live our lives this cycle of the seasons.

It makes me wonder what comes first?
Is it my desire to change within myself that brought the new cabinet into my life? Or had I made inner changes already ~ without fully being aware of it ~ and is the new cabinet an expression of these inner changes in my home?

And before I know it I am asking myself, what if...?
What if I know there are things I should change ~ in myself, in my life or in my home ~ could I bring about these changes by starting to, for instance, clean the kitchen cupboards? Or the garage? Will the simple act of cleaning and organizing something ~ anything ~ in my home, create the opening for my inner changes to happen?

I figure that as long as we are aware of the effects of what we are doing ~ it doesn’t really matter what comes first after all...

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