Friday, July 27, 2012

Our early years

It seems to become more and more clear that our early years are of tremendous importance and can have an enormous effect on our lives.
Of course this is not a new perspective in and of itself ~ even thirty or forty years ago it was already obvious how great the influence of our upbringing can be. Up to the point where it was believed that it was ‘all the parents fault’.

More modern research is saying that there is more to it than saying “This happened to me when I was young and therefore ...”. It has found that we model the behavior of our parents ~ and most importantly, it has discovered why we follow those parental patterns.

Bruce H. Lipton, PhD, is internationally recognized for this new way of looking at when and how these patterns are learned.

He has found that in our early years, up to the time we are about six years old ~ we function pretty much entirely through our subconscious. And in doing so, we absorb anything and everything that is happening around us. The way the relationship of our parents is playing out; the way they treat each other; how the adults around us handle stressful situations; how they go about solving problems ~ the list goes on and on and on.
And as the little pre-six-year-old person, we take it all in ~ straight into our subconscious. And the subconscious doesn’t question this information. It doesn’t test it whether it is true or false; good or not so good. It just takes it in.

Now, as far as actual situations go, things that happened; the things that we are perhaps even told about at a later age ~ if we want to we can reconstruct what happened that time and deal with it as we grow up.

Yet we have also absorbed attitudes and belief systems in our early years that usually are harder to recognize or become aware of. After all, they are safely lodged in our subconscious...

And our subconscious is the place where our dreams come from. It is the place from which we get our intuitive insights. It is also the place that for the most part instigates and directs our behavior. And so, without being aware of it we may be doing certain things in our lives precisely the way our parents did them. Not because it is the only, or even the best way to do them ~ but mostly because we never gave it a second thought. We never really questioned the information, the imprint that is held in our subconscious minds whether or not we want to do it this way.

The implication is that a lot of our attitudes and beliefs, and even behavior are things we picked up in our early years ~ absorbed them into our subconscious, creating a guideline as to how to live our lives ~ are based not on our own life experience, but are learned from others.

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