Tuesday, July 10, 2012


The word ‘space’ is one of those words that can be subject to a lot of different interpretations...

There is space as in non-terrestrial space. The universe. That area that is beyond the reach of our physical experience. The space that people are supposedly visiting when they are not grounded; i.e. spacey.

Then there is space in nature. And while nature can provide us with ‘wide open spaces’, sometimes nature’s spaces are a lot smaller ~ yet they are always ‘just right’. If we let nature do its thing, it will always come up with enough space for that particular environment, that unique ecosystem to flourish in. And these untouched spaces in nature then find a balance and a sense of peace that indeed gives each species in that environment exactly the space they need to prosper...

It takes an act from us humans encroaching upon that space to change the balance in such a way that suddenly the existing space seems to become too small to support all of its inhabitants.
A part of that is because we just don’t like the animals who occupied the space before us. Few people are fond of ants, mosquitoes, mice, and rats. Let alone snakes, coyotes, foxes etc. So as soon as we have our eyes set on a certain space, often we don’t necessarily aim to coexist; we aim to take over. To create our own space, our own balance, our own sense of peace...

Nature is something that is ‘out there’ ~ in here it is our space.
And how much space that is depends on the priorities of the individual person. Some people feel comfortable in relatively small spaces like a studio apartment. A small space like that could make other people totally unhappy ~ the ideal space for them involves a multiple bedroom, multiple bathroom house with a garden; and at least a two car garage. They perhaps crave space to move around in, space that they can share with others...

The closest space there is to us is our very personal space. The space that we need to keep our unique, individual energy flowing in the direction of the expression of our greatest potential. The space each and every one of us needs on a core level.

For most of us the minimal size of that space is about as tall as we are, and when we spread our arms out wide it reaches from fingertip to fingertip. Through that elemental, core space can we express ourselves, achieve our goals and live a fulfilling life in balance with all that is around us ~ from the tiniest blade of grass to the universe...

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