Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Random Acts of Kindness

Not too long ago, I had a discussion with someone who felt that there was no way we could have any effect on what is happening in the world today. After all, there are so many things not right at the moment ~ divisions, violence, anger and frustration; not to speak of banks and ‘big business’ in general ~  and how can one person make a difference? And how would ‘fighting the system’ provide us with any sense of fulfillment?

Keeping up to date (more or less) with the news these days, it is easy to see where that person comes from. After all, what can one just person do to create meaningful change?

On a global scale it is certainly hard to see a way to proceed; to make a difference.

Yet when we touch it where we can touch it, right in our direct environment ~ in our very own lives ~ we can make a tremendous difference.

It all starts with giving ourselves credit for being the unique, potential filled person that we are. To not break ourselves down because of something that may have happened in the past, but rather see how we can become an even better person today than we were yesterday. To be kind to ourselves, and to not ‘punish’ ourselves for relatively minor ‘offenses’ like for instance having somewhat cynical thoughts about someone or something. To decide that starting right now, we will stay away from negativity; even though other people may be negative, we don’t have to accept that as part of our lives…

We can take a next step by keeping our environments clean. Not just clean from unwanted thoughts or energies, but also in the most literal sense, keeping it clean from trash. Making sure random stuff ~ even when it wasn’t discarded by us, but moreover by a stranger; or even when we just see it laying in the street ~ doesn’t fail up our personal environment. So we take care of it and discard it is its proper place. Not because we have to, but because we can…

But perhaps the greatest difference can be made by engaging in random acts of kindness!

Like a smile and a ‘thank you’ to the person at the register of the supermarket. Like helping someone cross the street. Like doing the grocery shopping for an elderly neighbor.

There are thousands of small things we can do each day that will help another person. That will make another person’s day a little brighter, happier.
And that will, in return, make us feeling more fulfilled; and make us realize how much of a difference we can truly make!

Let’s start practicing ‘Random Acts of Kindness’ and see the difference in our lives, and in the world!

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