Friday, August 5, 2016


Perhaps the biggest question we may be facing in our lives is ‘Why?’. It also tends to be a recurring question as we can put that particular question mark next to pretty much everything we see, do or think.
Why do we feel that way when someone says that to us? Why de we do the things we think we have to do? Why do we do the things we think others are expecting of us? Why do we say the things we say? Why … ?

While there are as many answers to these questions as there are people, there are some categories to them.
The first category is pretty much called ‘common sense’. If we have a job, we make sure to show up and do the work we will get paid for.
The second category is ‘because’. Because doing it this way gives me pleasure and enjoyment. Because I don’t have to explain or defend myself to anyone. Because this is what feels right to me…
The third category is ‘reaction based’. We are reacting to something that is happening in our life; be it our (extended) family, our environment, our Country, or the World on a global scale. There is a often sense of ‘right or wrong’ associated with this one.
And finally, the fourth category has to do with ‘conscious manifestation’, and is therefore linked to our personal paths. If I want to bring something into my life, I either have to work toward it, or attract it through my attitude about myself, my life in general, and whatever it is I desire to haven my life.

Every once in a while it is a good idea to evaluate where we stand on this issue. To see if the things we do are bringing joy into our lives. To honestly ask ourselves why we are doing things in order to determine whether those things are still serving us, or if perhaps they were useful long time ago, yet have since outlived their reason for being on our lives altogether. And if the latter is the case, the next question becomes why we are still holding on to them? Wouldn’t it be better to release them and make room in our lives ~ and maybe even in our minds ~ for new ways of doing things, new experiences?

Ultimately it boils down to the question: “Are we happy with the way we are living our lives?”
If we are, then let’s celebrate the path we have chosen. If we are not, let’s  see what we can do, say, or think differently to change our lives…

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