Wednesday, August 31, 2016

School of life

When I look at people’s Facebook pages, more and more often I find that they have stated under ‘Work’ something to the effect of ‘student at the Universe’ or ‘student at the School of life’.

Certainly from a spiritual perspective, we can learn most from life itself! Especially as life gains us life-experiences which are truly our own, rather than thing we learn from books and teachers which may or may not relate to us, or to our personal truths.

Yet, from that very perspective the ‘school of life’ is a contradiction in terms, as a school suggests a place where we gather knowledge, while life is where we amass (life)experiences.

That being said, there is value in both.
Perhaps not quite as much in our traditional education where almost everyone can tell you that they had to learn things they haven’t used since leaving school. But certainly it is a good idea to ‘back’ your experiences with a certain amount of knowledge.
And sometimes it is not about ‘learning’ something that we didn’t know, but more about hearing a particular truth explained in different words. In words that resonate more clearly with our own experiences, or perhaps even with long-forgotten memories…

From that angle, it can be fun to take a class or a course, just to see what it is about. And to then take that what we have learned and put it into words that resonate with our unique experiences To see where knowledge and experience coincide, and where they move in different directions. To perhaps even explore that different direction for a bit in order to see whether it is a direction that suits our particular path, or if it is a different path altogether.

The interesting thing about this is that sometimes we have learned something ~ and perhaps even experienced it in our own lives ~ but until we are told that very same thing in words that resonate with us, we fail to truly incorporate it in our every day lives. Not because we don’t understand it, or fail to recognize its value, but rather because the explanation didn’t fit into our frame of reference; didn’t seem to have an application within the structure of our lives.
And then, suddenly, just by changing a few words all pieces start to fall into place!

Perhaps that is because ~ at least to a certain extend ~ we are all students at the ‘School of life’, or maybe it is because we are tenacious in finding the right words to express a particular truth.
Either way it allows us to move forward on our paths through life!

Energy Art by Taliswoman Me

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